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Forum start > web > development > Long Running Tasks


Registered: 8/7/2006    Warnings: 0
Long Running Tasks
Hey guys, wanted to get some feedback on long running processes and how you have handled them in the past. So far, I have seen three common options in using ASP.NET:

jQuery on the page with a waiting status so user knows server is working

Using WCF

Using multi-threading and the thread pool in IIS etc

What do you guys recommend or have you done in the past?
6/16/2014 08:28 Link - Ip: Logged - Quote:


Location: South Bend, IN
Registered: 4/14/2006      Warnings: 0
Some of it depends on how long the task is.

I am a fan of message queues (msmq or even something like nservicebus on top of msmq)

I have never used sygnalR but i think that would allow you to give the end user feedback on the progress but either way the task is hopefully not running in IIS itself.

Our legacy site polls the DB to update the display with the progress periodically....we haven't handled it in our new site yet but I think we will probably go with signalR if we can.
6/17/2014 08:49 Link - Ip: Logged - Quote:


Registered: 8/7/2006      Warnings: 0
Okay, I saw SignalR briefly and I also looked at HangFire. My boss is looking at one specific function that needs to get accomplished, sending bulk emails, and I think it takes two or three minutes. This can be easily, and probably almost entirely safely, launched using a background process. However, I have not heard any good recommendations, or recommendations without caveats, in doing it this way.

Either third party tools that handle all the problems that IIS/Users can throw at background threads or using an outside resource such as a service have been the recommended options.

I am going to shoot for the service option and see if he will bite. Not to mention, if we create a robust and flexible service it can handle multiple things and not just sending the bulk emails.
6/17/2014 09:56 Link - Ip: Logged - Quote:
Forum start > web > development > Long Running Tasks

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