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Forum start > Networking > Hardware > Wireless Router


Registered: 8/5/2006    Warnings: 0
Wireless Router
I've been having trouble with my wireless router lately. It will run fine for a random amount of time (usually between a day and a week) and will then stop handing out IPs. It's pretty easy to just reset it, but that kills all the preferences on it. I've been thinking about getting a new one, but before that I want to know a couple things:
1. Is it repairable?
2. If not, should I go with G (yes I'm still on B), or spend a few bucks more and invest in N?
"Some things Man was never meant to know. For everything else, there's Google."
2/1/2007 19:09 Link - Ip: Logged - Quote:
QuickView: Wireless Router - WILDCARD 2/1/2007 19:09
 i think I would consider doing the N thing at this point. Ba... - byerspc 2/1/2007 19:52
 there's also different router firmwares out there too, grant... - cds0528 2/1/2007 21:28
 I had been reserving MAC addresses before the problem and I ... - WILDCARD 2/1/2007 21:51
 you were reserving ip by mac address?... - byerspc 2/2/2007 06:16
 you were reserving ip by mac address?... - byerspc 2/2/2007 06:17
 Yeah, I was assigning specific IPs to each computer by their... - WILDCARD 2/3/2007 14:10
Forum start > Networking > Hardware > Wireless Router

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